Bill Johnson

After graduation from CHS, I went on to school just like most you. After a couple years, I took a break and accepted a sales job with a company out of Tennessee. This lasted almost through the summer.

I began getting notices from the Selective Service requesting additional information. Well, it didn't take long for me to realize that I should make an effort to get back into school. My efforts were fruitless, and you can guess where I ended up.

By June of 1969, I had arrived in Southeast Asia -Vietnam and would never have thought I would spend more than the 12-month tour. My total time in Vietnam was right at 3 years. After finally being stabilized in the states, I was ultimately assigned to the Special Forces - Green Berets at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. My assignments with the Special Forces were with the John F. Kennedy Center for Military Assistance, 5th Group, 6th Group and 7th Group of the Special Forces. (JFK developed the Special Forces after the Bay of Pigs incident with Cuba).

I stayed in the Army and was later able to continue my education through Columbia University. I also ended up in the recruiting arena for the Army. Without a draft, the military still needed new recruits; this was appealing to me. I spent my last years before military retirement running a recruiting company with 40 recruiters covering an area of about 8,500 square miles and stretching from Malibu to Monterrey.

Can you imagine having an office in Santa Barbara, California? Well, I did.

Throughout my twenty-plus years with the Army, I received medals and awards from seven different Presidents. The medals ranged from combat situations to recruiting. Recognition in the military is very important. If you excelled, you were rewarded and this usually enhanced your career. I was also fortunate that I made it through an unpopular war, where so many didn't. I have faced death and escaped it. Having to take another life has never settled well with me.

Currently, I live in the western part of the San Fernando Valley, which is about 18 miles from Hollywood, 10 miles from Malibu and a freeway close to everything else. Since retiring from the Army, I have been involved in the insurance business, with products from property and casualty to financial planning. Today, my business is working with seniors in tax reduction, Medicare and financial planning. At times, it is very depressing; but, it is most gratifying when you're able to resolve what could be a devastating situation. As an independent agent, I do have flexibility to run my business as I please.

I have been married for nearly 30 years to Dianne Law whom I met in Sydney, NSW, Australia when I made my first visit there. We have four children and three grandchildren, all of whom live relatively close to us. Some of my favorites are the following:

Favorite movie: Patton

Favorite International city: Sydney, NSW, Australia

Favorite car: My Lexus

Favorite US cities: San Diego and San Francisco

Favorite time of the day: Sunset

I'm happiest when: With all of my family

2nd happiest when: Playing golf

My fondest memories at CHS: All of them

After living in Southern California for sixteen years, I can't imagine being anywhere else. I thought I'd never say that. When you're in a place for a long time, you can easily adapt and you call it home. My real home is in my heart and my memories of family and the friends I made at CHS.